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History and origin
According to a Greek legend, the raspberry, adored by the gods of Olympus, was born on Mount Ida in Crete, hence its scientific name Rubus idaeus, “bramble of Ida”. In fact, the raspberry plant is native to the mountainous areas of Western Europe, where it still grows wild. Introduced into gardens during the Renaissance, the raspberry was gradually selected to become more robust and productive. In France, it was only consumed fresh in the 19th century, having previously been cultivated for its perfume, its medicinal virtues, and the manufacture of drinks. Commercial culture intensified in the 1950s.
Variety and cultivation
The raspberry tree, a thorny perennial shrub, requires regular pruning and care. Harvesting raspberries, fragile and sweet, is labor intensive. There are 22 varieties listed in the official catalog in France, including red, black, orange, yellow and white.
Did you know?
The name “raspberry” comes from the Latin “framboesia”, meaning “pimple rash”, referring to its resemblance to certain skin conditions.
Raspberry is often associated with rose: they belong to the same botanical family and share many aromatic compounds.