We are listening to you and are committed to providing you with the best possible service.

A certified commitment

Supervised sourcing
Our specifications are based on a team work with our partners, producers, distributors around the world and independent agricultural referents. Throughout the cultivation and approval process, documentary checks, physical, chemical and organoleptic analyses are carried out to validate all of our raw materials.

A low temperature process
We process the fruits harvested in a cool environment, in order to preserve their intrinsic qualities.
Heat treatments are limited to the elimination of harmful natural bacteria and the oxidation of certain fruits.
Guaranteeing the structure of the fruit, its flavors and its visual appearance are at the heart of our manufacturing process, while respecting the strictest health regulations.

Food security, a central concern
Our processes are all strictly supervised by a Quality Policy validated by the company’s Strategic Committee and applied by its Operational Committee, ensuring the food safety of the products we sell. This organization is FSSC 22000 certified.

Protecting our environment is crucial
We have made our impact on the environment and the preservation of energy resources, at the heart of our shareholders’ concerns, a cornerstone of our action.
Since 2023, the company has been ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certified.